My point being...

Ever think to yourself you should start a blog because your life is literally one adventure after another and why not share it with the world, especially when you’re someone like me, constantly traveling, meeting new people, experiencing wild and crazy things that the typical adult female doesn’t normally experience? Someone like me that found myself scooped up and spotlighted in a globally infamous reality television series where anyone and everyone feels as though it is their God given right to judge me? Well here I am, bulls eye on my back and ready to let loose, still.

My personal Instagram already highlights this for the most part, but mixed in with the above, comes something I haven’t entirely figured out how I feel about with regards to expressing my true feelings. To make an incredibly long and drawn out train of thought hopefully shorter than I’ve already failed to express quickly, this blog will serve two purposes for me: 1) reiterate said highlights and 2) probably more importantly, here is where I will go into depth as to the full experience transpired around my life events. Whereas, with social media, I tend to react quickly and somewhat thoughtlessly while addressing those who tend to be more vocal than others as to how I choose to live my life. I’m sarcastic and quite a bit withdrawn from feeling as though I should explain myself to those who disagree with a post whether it’s controversial in their eyes or not. Fact of the matter is, I do what I prefer to do, when I prefer to do it. I’m one of those lucky ones that truly lives with no regrets. Wait, that’s not true, I regret that one time I did a 52 mile hike on the northern coast of California through, literally, rain, sleet, hail and mudslides, came across a perfectly intact, gorgeous whale vertebrate and chose to leave it behind. Usually I would pick something like this up and take it with me to appreciate as long as I can. I didn’t take this however. And not because of why most might consider not taking, ie: illegal in most states or simply leaving it behind for others to admire as it certainly was a site of beauty, but, after almost 4 years having gone by, still I kick myself for choosing as I did. No, I left behind because it was day 1 of 4, it was nearly 50lbs and to pick that item up to carry out with me along with my 45lb pitbull who hates water (did I mention this hike was along the northern California coastline where 20ft+ waves threatened to break right on our path?) and my 40lb overnight pack that cut into my shoulders ever so painfully, would have probably caused me to forfeit the entire hike/exploration/adventure entirely due to the constraints. I chose to be weak. Weak being physically and not mentally. I’m not typically weak.

Okay, tangent aside, here is where I will go into depth regarding the full why, how, where and what I did with each event, because I do think it is worth some explanation however, as defenselessly as possible, via a blog, and not in retort to comments of the proverbial “hater” on social media. As in, when it comes to my hunting posts, some people are put off? But why? No strike that, I don’t particularly care why people have an issue with what I do, I care about why they think what I do is any different than them choosing to do what they do. Why do some people get so bent out of shape over something someone does that they do not even fully understand or grasp? It is beyond me. But, I digress. Rather than just post a picture of a harvest/kill and write something snarky (or gasp, not snarky at all) here, I will try and explain why it is I do it and what I hope would help others to consider the good rather than focus on what they believe to be bad about the act(s).

I’ll end on this note, I don’t have only 2 focuses in mind with this blog. Truth is. I haven’t a clue what my focus is, just that I hope to help enlighten those who may not quite understand and instead of react negatively, read full on excerpts/disclosures of mine with the mindset that we are all unique. We are all different. We all have likes and dislikes and opinions. And it’s perfectly okay. I wrote on one of my Instagram posts the other day, “have the courage to be disliked”. I don’t think that I can write that enough. It isn’t up to me to make others happy. It is up to myself to live a life I am happy with, a life that I can look back and think, “Man, I slayed it!”

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